Collies have always helped me in my life and been a part of my life. I remember my dogs which have already died ,
I always miss them and they have been living in my heart. Breeding is one of my main activities When you keep breeding it's important to participate in shows, prizes and victories bring much joy and satisfaction. Daily routine is more sufficient , dogs' love and kindness, funny things which happen to my little creatures, our walks to the forest arethe most important thing
in my life .All collies love winter and my dogs loved it too. Our winter walks when I took my four-leg friends with me can't be compared with any show. I and my friends took my dogs
to the forest for a long walk, then we harnessed them to the sledge and enjoyed our time .The dogs were happy and how happy we were!

I remember one more interesting fact in my dog's life. Once I together with my Meable called at the ice-cream cafe .There was one boy who was eating an ice-cream. Meabel wanted to taste it too . She was looking at the boy with love, she waited for the portion of ice-cream which had been promised by the boy . But the ice-cream seemed to be over soon , and Meable jumped up and licked it off. So , that was the promise. I had to buy another ice-cream for the boy.
In 1995 my beauty Pussy ( Atlen Healent Black Angelina) gave birth to the puppies which were from the English dog Blues (CH Troydon Saddle Tramp). I was surprised when once I heard the night song for children on TV , a tiny bell sounded .
It was " Good night babies", all my puppies ran up to the TV set ,listened to the music expressing their emotions. It was nice , fantastic to see all that. Two puppies from that litter (Stify and Sharon) liked the music all their life.
It's fantastic , their father is Blues , and my life is closely connected with music.
For several years I haven't kept breeding, I am the owner of my beloved collies only , I have a lot of interesting hobbies. I work with my mother , she is a well-known musician , I have got a diploma in law. But I hope to start professional breeding again and participate in shows. My dogs have always been to me little , unprotected creatures, their lives depend on our attitude and care. They love me and I love them , care for them
Elena Igumnova
